Loyalty + Rewards

 Discover the Parade Perks

Unlock a world of exclusive benefits and savings!

Earn Reward Points

Earn 1 point per $1 spent! Every purchase you make earns you valuable reward points. Accumulate these points and redeem them for exciting discounts. 

Exclusive Discounts

Loyalty program members enjoy access to exclusive discounts and promotions, helping you save on your favourite products. 

Early Access 

Stay up to date with our latest releases, special events, and promotions.

To register, create an account through our loyalty widget - on the bottom right side of the home page. 

Terms and Conditions


  • Discounts cannot be applied retroactively.
  • Codes cannot be stacked.
  • Discounts obtained through loyalty points cannot be combined with ongoing promotions or other discount codes.
  • If you return a purchase, the loyalty points earned from that specific purchase will be deducted from your account.
  • Loyalty points cannot be transferred to another account or person.
  • Shipping charges are not considered as eligible spending towards earning points.
  • Points from separate profiles or email accounts cannot be merged or combined.
  • Points will not be awarded for purchases made prior to joining the loyalty program.
  • The loyalty program is exclusively available to non-wholesale, retail customers.
  • To earn points, you must be logged into your account when making a purchase. Points will not be earned for orders placed through guest checkout. 
  • Unfortunately, we are unable to adjust points for purchases made without being linked to your account. 
  • We reserve the right to modify or terminate our loyalty program at any time.